
Sunday, 8 July 2007

Emoes - 'People with super-emo powers are among us.'

Wow. I have found me something to do for the next... day. Advised by the whole internet and 80% of the Lost community, I decided to download Heroes yesterday and oh my... me likey! Enjoy this WW review!



Ever felt like you were special? Like you were meant to make a difference somehow? Well, you're not. But these guys are! The series is about people who discover they have supernatural abilities, varying from fire conjuring to flying. This is, of course, a completely new and refreshing concept, which shakes the very foundations of the world.

What would you do when you would discover you have super powers somehow? You'd probably go explore them and think of cool ways to use em, right? Yeah, me too. But not these guys! Heck, take the Petrelli brothers. One can fly and the other can use any power he encounters.

Emo, emo, emo. One can even paint the future. Or is it actually the other way around? Perhaps what he draws, will happen in the future! Peter found out about this, though.

At any rate, these Heroes are all superemo. Whine whine whine. Can't you just be happy with your super cool abilities?! Super powers are hot piss, enjoy them! (Oh yeah. One character, Hiro, is super cool. He completely rocks and makes the series worth it.)

So here I was, in my room, watching Heroes, when suddenly... someone down the hall went for a piss. My room is next to the toilet, so it bothers me greatly. It was 5 a.m. for crying out loud! What the hell is wrong with people these days? Going to the toilet at 5 a.m.?! Seriously, go to bed you wankers! I can't even watch Heroes in peace any more!

You could of course ask me what the reason was I was still watching Heroes at 5 a.m., which would be a valid question. I blame the endings. I might just sue those Heroes people for messing with my head! They end each episode with a cliffhanger! That's so Lost-like... and I can't fight it...

"You look pretty."
"So do you."
"Thank you."
"No, thank you!"
"Nice weather, eh?"
"Super powers suck, eh?"
"Thought so."
"I feel emo."
"Me too."
"Oh my God, you guys. The world is about to explode in 5 seconds!"
"Oh my freaking GOD!"
To be continued...

Now thát is not fair! I can't resist but watch another episode, and another, and another, and another... until it's 5 a.m. or later. I watched and I watched and I... *yawn* ...watched.

Yay! A movie to break the wall of text!

Slightly light in my head I started to ponder. 'What if I have a super power?' It could be, right? It could actually be! So I tried telekinesis, which didn't work. I tried telepathy, but all I got was static. I tried my regeneration ability, but rly, didn't work either. Until...

I found my super power, guys! I did it. You may not believe me, but you will find out eventually. I believe there are others out there like me and together... we can make a difference! I won't keep you waiting any longer; I shall reveal to you my secret. I can... change the future.

I know it sounds like madness to you, but it's true! I tried it over and over again; it works every time. I can do things that affect tomorrow, next week or even next month! I used the last toilet paper and next day... we were out of toilet paper. I'm seriously, you guys. This is the most awesome power ever.

Feeling kinda emo about it tho.

ARGH! Just to enlighten you:
Super powers are cool, ok? If you have super powers, use them for cool things. Don't be emo about it. Heck, don't be emo in general! Being emo sucks ass! Heroes =/= Emoes, you understand?!


We're all heroes, deep inside (or super villains, of course) and we're all a bit emo. Just take things lightly and play life's game with whatever you've been given. We can all make our own destiny. Make the best of what you have, my followers.


Heroes Season One torrent file

Go watch Heroes. You really want to. You do. You want to watch Heroes. Go watch it. Or I will unleash my powers on you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm emo according to my friends/random people... that post made me feel bad. :(
Listen to My Chemical Romance(mmmm Frankie...)
or Fall Out Boy. Or Bring Me The Horizon, AFI, Mindless Self Indulgence, Panic! At the Disco, ... the possibilities are endless.
I'm just the average eyeliner-wearing, hair-in-my-face, music-obsessed, sad little emo kid that everybody knows and loves.
I'm only saying these things so that people dont just look at certain peope and say "oh, that kid's emo. she cuts herself lets go make fun of her until she cries."
We don't all cut ourselves, we have feelings, we have hops and dreams, and WE WILL CARRY ON!!! (ahhh my MCR fangirl-ness is taking over!)
So don't say things like "emo sucks" cuz its mean and hurts people's hearts. Right now my heart is crying. Meanie.
as the smart (and sexy) Gerard Way would say, "Be yourself, Don't take anyone's shit, and never let them take you aive!"
XO Katie
PS- (((d[^^b))) music saves our souls