
Monday, 10 September 2007

Our busy, modern world. - No time for monkey business?

My dearest, most loyal readers,

After thoughtful consideration I have decided to up the number of recurring formats that are seen in Wouter's World. Thus far we have only encountered Woutube and NeWWs Flash, which are of course bound to stay. (Wuzzah!)
Here is the list of new formats you will regularly see appear in this blog:

* Kick Rick! - 101 Ways to torture my good friend.
* Drugs are bad, mm'kay? - Blogs written completely under influence!

There are bound to come more formats later on, but those concepts aren't finished yet. Should you come up with a crazy idea, let me know! You know you can contact me at!

Now, back to today's blog!


Depression's dark hand has our world in his strong grip once again! I have been warning people for the Age of Emo for a long time now, but no one believed me. Still, even the unbelievers have to face the facts! The number of suicides is increasing rapidly each year, especially in Europe, the U.S.A. and Japan the increase is exceptionally noticable. This goes hand in hand with an even bigger increase of depressions.

Yes, we're mainly talking about depressions under the western youth now. Why is this happening, you ask? I could of course study the phenomenon for years and conclude that it's due to our society that is getting more and more complex, which causes people to flee into alternate realities and eventually, seek death. However, that would be a far too serious approach for Wouter's World.

No Sir, where there's a solution, there's a problem! Or wait...

Anyway... I decided to come up with a cure for this western luxury disease. After thoughtful concideration and mutliple experiments in my lab I had to conclude that, though there are many keys that fit our black emotional door, the best way to solve this massive depression is entertainment. And whaddayathink? Let that just be my specialisation!

Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby propose to you my prize-winning answer to society's tears!


Yup, it's nature's clown alright! Honestly, who does not enjoy a good laugh while observing our silly relatives? I myself have dreamt of my own butler monkeys for years now! Awww, I can dream, can't I?

Monkeys are already being used for many useful purposes. The best example is of course the Trunk Monkey, invention of Suburban Auto Group. This revolutionary system uutilises their incredible powers to adapt to almost any situation. My advise? If you feel insecure in your car in our modern, dangerous world, take a TM(tm) with you and you'll feel a lot brighter!

Trunk Monkeys are awesome!

You know what is even more fascinating? The fact that it doesn't really matter what it is a monkey does. We always find it hilarious somehow. Observe the next picture I took in Asia last year. This monkey has just caught himself a cat and is about to eat it. Still people were pointing and laughing. But then again, they eat cats there as well, don't they? Anywho...

And then just the way they look! Though I find these Nose Apes kinda intimidating seen their size, their nose is hilarious by nature. I coudn't help but laugh at their big-nosed leader!

Of course there's also their incredible wit! You just have to laugh when you see this guy! (Ignore the wannabe-funny presentator.)

And for the die-hards, some more monkey videos!

Oh, and even a classic!

Whoopsie, almost forgot the time watching comparisons of Bush with monkeys. Yes, surprisingly there are lots of those...

Anyway, my plan is to create huge monkey concentration camps where they will be forced to reproduce, while their offspring will receive training in the ways of human humor! Soon we shall have enough monkeys for everyone and depression shall reign our rich ass world no longer!

Honestly, people! Laugh some more! Life is a game, a play, a laugh! Make the best of it! Feeling down and confused? Can't handle the pressure anymore? Slap yourself in the face and smile! Monkeys rule!


P.S. Monkeys are only relatives of non-muslims. Allah created the proud muslim people afterwards or something... errrr... anyway, praise Allah!

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