
Thursday, 28 June 2007


Time for the first edition of WouTube, a Wouter's World production!

Explore the internet to the max with WouTube. Videos selected by your enlightened friend will hopefully give you a laugh, inspire you or simply give you something to do when you're utterly bored. Enjoy!

Word Disassociation, by Lemon Demon

This music clip is one of the best budget productions I have ever seen. You might not know Lemon Demon yet, but he makes some of the most original and funny music I know. I would really recommend looking him up on youtube, because he made way, way more stuffs that are worth every second!

Merry Fucking Christmas - South Park

South Park is one of the best animated series ever and I can greatly advise you to watch all the episodes. In this old Christmas special, Mr. Garrison explains about the diversity of cultures on earth.

Tha Cliff (2) - by Cimoc (Warning! French site! Don't click it!)

Don't try to jump over cliffs. It's not smart, kk? I'm sorry if you think this was lame, but I just love stick figures :P

Purple and Brown - From Above

"Hohoo! Hoh! Huh huh huh huh" Gotta love these. Just gotta!

More Purple and Brown!

A collection, if you feel like it.

George W. Bush

My favourite quotes:
"I think war is a dangerous place."
"It will take time to restore chaos."
"The literacy level of our children are apalling!"
"Not one doubt in my mind that we will fail."

God bless this man.


If you have any suggestions for future blogs, let me know!

Good Night!

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